Sandhurst Football Netball Club
powered by TidyHQProposed Special Resolutions
Proposed Special Resolutions
At the annual general meeting to be held at 6pm on 3rd Dec 2024 at the Sandhurst FNC Clubrooms (The Den) at the Queen Elizabeth Oval, Bendigo, the general committee proposes a special resolution to remove by-law E.
That by-law is as follows:
That a sum of $30,000.00 be invested in a term deposit for the purposes of junior development and
infrastructure with a financial institution listed under,
Australian Government Guarantee Scheme for Large Deposits and Wholesale Funding.
Schedule 1 Eligible Institutions.
Access to this fund may only be made via a Special Resolution at a general meeting of the association in accordance with the constitution and the Associations Incorporations Reform act 2012
The special resolution proposes that the intent of this bylaw, which was put in place at the time of the ammalgamation, was to ensure that the assets of that merger would be used, as stated, for the purposes of junior development and infrastructure.
The current general committee, propose that the intent of this by-law has been discharged, as since that merger the club has diligently and persistently incorprated strong investment in junior development in its core operating model, and that the intent of the by-law above is no longer warranted.